Radio clips available.
EMS units are being released from the scene.
Firefighters have deemed the incident under control.
Radio clips available.
Radio clips available.
One firefighter has sustained minor injuries, per EMS units at the scene.
Secondary searches are delayed due to "heavy clutter" inside the location.
All visible fire has been extinguished, according to FDNY on scene.
Radio clips available.
According to a tweet from Notify NYC, expect traffic delays and emergency personnel near George Street and Evergreen Avenue.
At least six hoses are being used to douse the flames and smoke, per FDNY units.
Firefighters have transmitted a third alarm.
Radio clips available.
Additional user video shows multiple firefighters in the rear of the building, as well as on the roof, battling the flames and smoke.
Two additional FDNY ladder trucks have been requested to the scene.
Residents in the area are advised to keep their windows closed and remain inside due to the heavy smoke condition.
Additional FDNY units have been requested to the scene.
Radio clips available.
Radio clips available.
Citizen user videos also show NYPD units on scene.
Radio clips available.
Radio clips available.
EMS units confirm there are no injuries. However, there is an extremely heavy smoke condition.
Radio clips available.
EMS units are staging in the area.
Radio clips available.
The address reported for this incident has changed to 1 George St.
Radio clips available.
Radio clips available.
User videos continue to show multiple FDNY units at the scene battling the flames and smoke.
Firefighters have transmitted a second-alarm, requesting additional units to the scene.
Radio clips available.
Radio clips available.
Firefighters confirm there is fire on the first floor of a one-story commercial building. Three hoses are being used to douse the flames. Primary searches are underway.
Smoke can be seen rising from the scene blocks away.
FDNY dispatch advises that this may be an office building. Units will confirm momentarily.
Radio clips available.
User video shows bright orange flames erupting from the roof of the structure. Firefighters can be seen on the roof of a connecting building.
EMS units are en-route to the scene.
Additional user video shows thick smoke rising from a building in the distance. FDNY also confirmed the address.
The address reported for this incident has changed to 2 George St.
Firefighters are arriving in the area and confirm there is a fire inside the factory.
Citizen user video shows thick gray smoke rising from the building.
FDNY dispatch advises they have received multiple 911 calls.
Firefighters are responding to a reported fire at a factory.
A 911 caller has reported an unconfirmed incident at George St & Evergreen Ave.