The address reported for this incident has changed to 436 S Boyle Ave.
Firefighters advise some units will remain at the scene to search for hidden flames and check if the fire has been completely extinguished.
Firefighters advise DWP employees are already at the scene for a water main break in the area. They add that they did not locate anyone trapped or injured after a more thorough search of the structure.
Firefighters clarify that the unsecured power lines are on the verge of being knocked down.
Firefighters have requested Department of Water and Power (DWP) employees for unsecured power lines.
Firefighters have requested blowers to the second floor to help ventilate the structure.
Firefighters clarify that the structure was vacant, thus why they found no one trapped or injured after an initial search.
Firefighters are at the scene of a structure fire. They had been battling the blaze, but now advise they have extinguished all of the visible flames.
Incident reported at 444 S Boyle Ave.